Elan Credit Card Mobile App Video Transcript Upbeat music fades in (DESCRIPTION) On the left side of the screen there is white space with black text that reads, "Your cardmembers' experience just got better. On the right, is a square video clip with a rounded bottom left corner shows a woman with curly black hair, wearing a yellow shirt. She's holding a smartphone in her right hand, a credit card in her left. She is walking to and sitting on a couch in a well-lit room. She is smiling, suggesting she is satisfied with her bank's mobile app experience. On the right third of the screen is a bright blue background. In the bottom right corner of the screen, there is a logo for "elan" in lowercase letters, with a small trademark symbol. (DESCRIPTION) The screen transitions to entirely blue background. On the left, white text reads, "Introducing the new and improved mobile app." On the right, a smartphone is angled towards the left side of the screen. It shows a mobile banking app. The top of the phone screen shows a logo for "Windstone." Below the logo, the text reads, "Welcome, Madeline." The screen displays the account details for a Visa Signature card ending in "1234" with a balance of $1,304.58 and an available credit of $8,695.42. There are options to "View rewards," "View statements," and "Lock or unlock card." Below these options, there is a blue button labeled "Make a payment." At the bottom of the screen, there are links for "Privacy policy," "Your California privacy choices," and "Contact us." The footer also includes the text, "(c) 2024 Elan Financial Services." The navigation bar at the bottom of the app includes icons labeled "Home," "Services," "Payments," and "Settings." (DESCRIPTION) The blue screen remains, the white text disappears, and two additional smartphones transition onto the screen. One from the left side and one from the right. The screen that was visible before is now centered in the middle. The additional smartphones show screenshots from the same mobile banking app. The phone on the left shows a detailed transaction summary. The transaction date is listed as "06/13/2024," and the description indicates a purchase at "Best Buy Store 0345, Eden Prairie, MN." The last four digits of the card used are "1234." Other details include the reference number, the category (Retail), merchant information, payment method (Chip card reader), and digital payment type (Apple Pay). At the bottom, there's a map showing the store location with the address "11600 Leona Rd, Eden Prairie, MN 55344" and a contact number "(740) 754- 9108." The phone on the right shows the "Rewards & benefits" section. The top of the screen reads, "See how many rewards you've earned from your purchases and how to spend your rewards." It displays the current rewards balance of "6,020 pts" for a Visa Signature card ending in "1234," with the last update on "06/15/2024." There are options to "Redeem rewards" and "View all card benefits." The "Rewards Summary Information" section shows a total of "125,250" rewards earned year to date. (DESCRIPTION) The blue screens transitions off screen towards the bottom left corner. A white screen remains with centered black text that reads, "More intuitive." The word "intuitive" rolls up and is replaced by the word, "transparent." The text now reads, "More transparent." The word "transparent" rolls up and is replaced by the word, "convenient." The text now reads, "More convenient." "More convenient" rolls up and is replaced by the words, "Making payments," which is prefacing the next screen. (DESCRIPTION) A gray screen enters the frame from the upper right corner. One the left, white text reads, "No need to remember balances and credit limits." On the right, a smartphone with an old version of the mobile banking app is shown. There are three white questions marks floating around the top of the smartphone. The screenshot does not show the balance of the Credit Card, nor the minimum payment due. It only shows the "Make a Payment" section under the "Manage payments" tab. The user can see the current card being managed ("Credit Card ...0594") and options to "View Payment Schedule," "View Payment History," and "Make a Payment." There is also an "AutoPay" section where the user can set up recurring monthly payments. At the bottom of the app screen is the fine print with legal and copyright information, including "(c) 2024 Elan Financial Services." (DESCRIPTION) The blue screen seen previously transitions back onto the screen. On the left, text reads, "See what's owed," followed by a white line that curves downward and points towards a smartphone filling up most of the right side. The smartphone displays a screenshot from a mobile banking app. At the top, it shows a Visa Signature card ending in "1234." Below that, there are three tabs: "Overview," "Rewards," and "Details," with the "Overview" tab selected. The screen prominently displays a current balance of "$1,304.58" as of June 15 at 9:41 a.m. Below the balance, it shows that $8,695.42 is available in credit. Additional details include: Credit limit: $10,000.00, Statement balance: $1,304.58 as of 6/15/2024, Minimum payment: $50.00 due on 7/10/2024. At the bottom of the screen, there is a blue button labeled "Make a payment." The white line from the text is pointing to the area of the screen that shows, "$1,304.58" which is the current balance. A subtle iridescent effect is applied to the amount shown for emphasis. (DESCRIPTION) The same smartphone shifts to the left, wiping away the text, and making room for new text that appears to its right. It continues the sentence that was started from the previous screen, and reads, "what's due," followed by a white line that curves downward and points towards the smartphone. It's pointing to the "Minimum payment: $50.00 due on 7/10/2024," and a subtle iridescent effect is applied to the amount for emphasis. Transitions of elements are timed to the beats of the music. (DESCRIPTION) The same smartphone shifts back to the right, wiping away the text, and making room for new text that appears on its left. It continues the sentence from the previous screen, and reads, "and what's left to spend," followed by a white line that curves downward and points towards the smartphone pointing to the "$8,695.42 available credit," and a subtle iridescent effect is applied to the text for emphasis. (DESCRIPTION) The blue screen exits via the bottom left corner and is replaced with a white screen. Black text is centered on the screen and reads, "Using rewards," which is prefacing the next screen. (DESCRIPTION) A gray screen enters the frame from the upper right corner filling the entire screen. One the left, white text reads, "No need to squint to find rewards earned." On the right, a large black magnifying glass is searching for information on a smartphone with the old mobile banking app. The screenshot shows, "Accounts," "Payments," "Alerts," and "Services" at the top. Below that, "Credit Card...1234." Then, the "Rewards & Benefits Summary" section shows partially visible text, "When you use your card for everyday purchases, big and small!", along with an image of a potted plant on a desk. The "Rewards Activity" section is small, which is what the magnifying glass is searching for. This section shows, "Rewards Earned Since Last Statement: 24," and "Past Rewards Earned: 5,528 rewards earned year to date." A link at the bottom says, "Redeem rewards at Rewards Center." (DESCRIPTION) The blue background transitions back onto the screen. On the left, text reads, "See points available," followed by a white line that curves downward and points towards a smartphone that is emerging from the bottom of the screen and filling up most of the right side. The smartphone displays a screenshot from a mobile banking app that shows "Rewards & benefits," with plain supporting text that reads, "See how many rewards you've earned from your purchases and how to spend your rewards." Below that, "Visa Signature...1234," followed by "6,020 pts" in large, bold, blue text and "Current rewards balance as of 6/15/2024." A blue "Redeem rewards" button is visible. The white line from the text is pointing to the area of the screen that shows, "6,020 pts" which is the current balance. A subtle iridescent effect is applied to the amount shown for emphasis. (DESCRIPTION) The previous text wipes away and is replaced with new text that continues the sentence, "points earned this year," with the same white line that was visible in the previous screen pointing to the smartphone. The screenshot within the smartphone scrolls up to reveal a white button "View all card benefits." It's followed by "Rewards Summary Information." Then, "125,250" in a larger blue text, with "Rewards earned year to date" underneath. And then, "10,500" in a larger blue text, with "Rewards earned last statement cycle" underneath. The white line from the text is pointing to the area of the screen that shows, "125,250" which is the amount of rewards earned year to date. A subtle iridescent effect is applied to the amount shown for emphasis. (DESCRIPTION) The previous text wipes away and is replaced with new text that continues the sentence, "last statement cycle," with the white line from the text pointing to the smartphone. As the new white text appears, the screenshot within the smartphone scrolls up, so the white line now points to, "10,500" which is the amount of rewards earned in the last statement cycle. A subtle iridescent effect is applied to the amount shown for emphasis. (DESCRIPTION) The previous text wipes away and is replaced with new text that continues the sentence, "next statement cycle," with the white line from the text pointing to the smartphone. As the new white text appears, the screenshot within the smartphone scrolls up, so the white line now points to, "750" which is the amount of rewards to be earned on the next statement. A new portion of the screenshot is visible that reads "Rewards Activity" and additional text, "You've earned rewards from your purchases," with the remainder cut off on the edge of the screen. (DESCRIPTION) The previous text wipes away and is replaced with new text that continues the sentence, "and by transaction." and a white line from the text pointing to the smartphone. As the new white text appears, the screenshot within the smartphone scrolls up, so the white line now points to a list of transactions in a table format. The table includes a "Description" column with a small down and up arrow for filtering preferences. And a "Rewards Earned" column on the left side. The list entries include the following details: Target logo, "Target" and below it the date the transaction occurred, "06/10/2024," and in the "Rewards Earned" column, "+ 3 pts." The transaction list continues displaying logos for BP, Apple Inc., and Spotify, listing their company names, the transaction date, and points earned. The points earned values range from one to three points. (DESCRIPTION) The blue screen exits via the bottom left corner and is replaced with a white screen. Black text is centered on the screen and reads, "We've made transactions better, too!" which is prefacing the next screen. (DESCRIPTION) The blue screen seen previously transitions back onto the screen. On the left, text reads, "See mapped locations of transactions," followed by a white line that curves downward and points towards a smartphone that is visible in full on the right side of the screen. The smartphone displays a screenshot from a mobile banking app showing information formatted so that on the left side is information type, and on the right is the information. At the top of the screenshot, "Description," and "Best Buy Store 0345 Eden Prairie, MN." Followed by: "Last 4 of card" and "1234"; "Type" and "Purchase"; "Reference number" and "123456789123456." There is a "Merchant Details" section which includes, "Category" and "Retail"; "Merchant info" and "Eden Prairie, MN United States"; "Method" and "Chip card reader"; "Digital payment" and "Apple pay." Then, a map of the location where the transaction was made is visible, with a pin dropped in the exact place of the merchant. Below the map, "Store #12345, 11600 Leona Rd., Eden Prairie, MN 55344." (DESCRIPTION) The previous text wipes away and is replaced with new text that continues the sentence, "and call the store," As the new text appears, the screenshot scrolls up and displays the phone number and website of the merchant, "(740) 754-9108" with a telephone icon, and "bestbuy.com" with a website icon. A small blue circle that is slightly transparent hovers over the telephone icon next to the phone number. To simulate a tap on the icon, the screen transitions to a telephone call screen on the smartphone, "Calling... (740 754-9108)" with options that include icons for "Audio," "FaceTime," "Mute," "Add," "End," and "Keypad." As soon as the screen shows that phone call, the white text adds an additional line of text, now reading, "and call the store right from the app." (DESCRIPTION) The smartphone transitions from the right side of the screen to the left side of the screen. As it does so, the screenshot changes from the telephone call to the screenshot that was seen in the beginning of the video. The top of the phone screen shows a logo for "Windstone." Below the logo, the text reads, "Welcome, Madeline." The screen displays the account details for a Visa Signature card ending in "1234" with a balance of $1,304.58 and an available credit of $8,695.42. There are options to "View rewards," "View statements," and "Lock or unlock card." Below these options, there is a blue button labeled "Make a payment." At the bottom of the screen, there are links for "Privacy policy," "Your California privacy choices," and "Contact us." The footer also includes the text, "(c) 2024 Elan Financial Services." The navigation bar at the bottom of the app includes icons labeled "Home," "Services," "Payments," and "Settings." To the right side of the smartphone, white text reads, "The enhanced Elan mobile app." (DESCRIPTION) A white screen enters the frame from the upper right corner. On the left, a logo for "elan credit card" in lowercase letters, with a small trademark symbol next to it. Below the logo, black text reads, "Helping you provide the best cardmember experience outside of your branch location." On the right, a square video clip with a rounded bottom left corner shows the same woman from the beginning of the video. She continues holding her smartphone and credit card while seated on the couch. She is smiling, suggesting she is satisfied with her bank's mobile app experience as she flips to look at the back of the card while the camera pans up and shows her centered in the square video clip. The video clip is on a blue background that stretches the height of the screen and partially slides into the white space on the left. (DESCRIPTION) The elan logo transitions from the upper left of the screen, expands, and centers in the middle of the white screen. Music ends.